About us
From Argentina to the Mecklenburg Pampa:
My name is Amancio Mendiondo and I am the founder of Cavalan Ranch. I grew up in Argentina where my family has been farming and raising cattle for generations. Anyone who raises cattle in Argentina works with horses all the time - before I could walk, I was on a horse. Here we live out the gaucho culture and I am closely connected to the tradition. This includes the folkloric music, our dances, and living with horses and cattle on wide open spaces.
Many years ago, life brought me to Germany. It has always been my dream to set up a ranch of my own for guests, where I can maintain and share my connection to Argentina through riding. As luck would have it, I now have the great fortune of fulfilling my dream in the heart of the Mecklenburg Pampa: Since fall 2022, I have been building the Cavalan Ranch together with my son, our team, friends, and supporters in hopes of sharing this Argentine gaucho way of life with as many guests as possible.
NDR Nordstory: Ein Hauch Wildwest im "wilden" Osten
Deutsche Welle: Un gaucho argentino en la pampa de Mecklemburgo
Cavalan beim Deutschlandfunk Sonntagsspaziergang
Ostseezeitung: Argentinier eröffnet Ranch für Pferde-Fans und Events bei Rostock
NZZ: Ritt durchs wilde Mecklenburg: mit Gauchos durch die Pampa Deutschlands
ORF Ö1: Mecklenburg - Von Gauchos, Raketen und gestressten Kaisern
nd: Sehnsucht nach den Gauchos - Reitkultur in Mecklenburg
Nordkurier: So lockt ein Argentinier in Mecklenburgs Pampa
Der Hamburger: Cavalan Ranch
Below you will find our Instagram feed with current posts from our Cavalan Ranch: